

First of all, tell yourself  " I AM BEAUTIFUL"
Yes girl. You are beautiful in your own way. I don't really understand what are the meaning of "cantik itu subjektif" habis marah Cikgu Midi selaku cikgu tatabahasa,subjektif pon tak faham. huu

For me, I do frequently stalking pretty girls out there mostly muslimah models. Damn pretty. Flawless,nice smile,pakai shawl pun elok je ha kemas. Cemana lah diorang boleh maintain kulit cantik even bagai makeup tebal gila tapi still flawless. no side effect after wearing makeup for like 24hours (kes dengki)

And more inspiring is when you saw some of them are struggle to look more confident in front of people and they make a great changes. Hit like a truck!

Both of them, I found in a twitter. Terus follow sebab nak tahu how they manage to get flawless skin, tapi tak komen dan tanya beriye lah just baca je what kind of products they used bla bla. Tapi seriously,I've the same problem. Berlumba lumba jerawat naik,since masuk USM terus kulit dah macam macam rupa. Kah! tetibe salahkan USM. Bukan, ni mesti hormon tengah gatal sebab tu muncul segala mak pak sepupu jerawat.

Who said that we(girls) make up and dress up to impress boys? Hello,pleaseeeeee lah! This is for our own good, our self-confident. Lelaki ni memang pantang nampak perempuan gemuk sikit,jerawat sana sini mula nak mengata. pfffttt. Me myself,sangat tak suka bila tengah bercakap dengan orang then orang tu dok telek muka ni macam tengah mengira berapa banyak jerawat dan blackhead yang aku ada. Aku cucuk mata tu tahu la! terus low self-esteem.

Suggest la segala apa drugstore products,semua aku dah try dan tak pernah rasa nak buat review before and after sebab tak de yang berkesan so far. Sedih dan pasrah je. Even dah conceal pun still nampak lagi. Bawak bertenang maz, 

I just wanna share here, if you feel that wearing makeup makes you more confident then do it girls.Because people out there don't know how is your struggles. If you feel that by maintaining 40 kg is the great body weight ever,go get it (but please make sure you get enough nutrition okay). Every person have their own dream, for me I just hope I can get a healthy skin-healthy body-high level of confident that's enough. 

So,what are you waiting for. Achieve your dream. Ignore haters!
Build you confident! Go superwoman!


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