

Pernah dengar kan dalam Al-Quran kata:

“boleh jadi perkara yang kamu suka itu adalah yang buruk bagi kamu dan boleh jadi perkara yang kamu benci itu baik bagi kamu”

What I hate the most is Accounting. Grr. I’m in science stream since in school. Please lah.
Tak boleh terima langsung till now I still confuse debit/credit. Ya Rabbi
Even masa dekat USM dulu ambil minor in management and also learnt basic about accounting but cannot go laaaa

*tadaa! It just an SQL system in accounting. LoL

And guess what, I’m currently working as an Account Assistant. Thank God it just as an assistant not executive.
Nak buat macam mana kan,rezeki as a Chemist belum sampai. InsyaAllah ada satu hari nanti. Allah uji dulu macam-macam.
Gain experience as much as I can even not related to my field.

Dah merasa jadi Cikgu Tadika, Promoter, Nurse, Cikgu Tusyen, Kerani. Maybe all this are just as simple job as you think.Tapi banyak pengalaman dari segi kenalan,komunikasi,persekitaran. Boleh lepak dengan bos, geng-geng doktor, main wrestling dengan anak-anak taska. Best!
Cuma apa yang aku nampak diorang masih bagi peluang kerja dekat aku even aku takde pengalaman langsung start from zero tapi alhamdulillah aku boleh perform even kerja biasa je kan. Compared to current employers who searching for suitable candidates even fulfill their requirement but still "oh sorry girl you are still young and fresh graduate" pfffttt.

yes, I've graduated for 1 year and still hold the title 'fresh' but come on. Work place is just like a university where they recruit all fresh students to join their institution and at the end of the day you can see their performance in academic based on their CGPA. Just give them a chance (including me). Thats all

Just say;

“Saya doakan maz dapat kerja yang dia nak dan murah rezeki

Thanks for the doa  guys!


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